Bryce Huebner

Bryce Huebner is a professor in the philosophy department at Georgetown University.  His work has often explored issues in the biological, social, and cognitive sciences; and he has sometimes seen himself as more of a theoretical neurobiologist than a philosopher. In recent years, however, he has been trying to get a grip on the various embodied, social, and material causes that shape and organize experience. At this point, he’s pretty sure that the only way to take experience seriously is by pursuing an approach inspired by early Yogācāra philosophers, while also defending a deeply ecological understanding of allostatic regulation. He is supposed to be writing a book about the aesthetics of horror and extreme music, with the aim of deepening our shared understanding of how people engage with diverse challenges and opportunities. But instead, he’s mostly been managing a host of physiological challenges, which have driven home the pervasiveness of duḥkha…